Undertones of the Earth: The Tomato Sprouts’ Trek

Amidst the shifting diurnal temperature range, the tomato sprouts embarked on a transformative journey from the grow tent to the open garden.

With the stabilization of extremes between daytime and nighttime temperatures (diurnal temperature range) at the Veggie-Bed, we made the decision to move the tomato seedlings -once baby sprouts- from the grow tent to the garden outdoors.

Here are the essential steps to successfully grow tomato plants outdoors:

  1. Choose a sunny spot with well-draining, fertile soil and a pH between 5.8 and 7.
  2. Start tomato seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before your area’s last frost date. Alternatively, buy transplants. Transfer the plants outdoors when the soil warms up.
  3. Stake, trellis, or cage the tomato plants immediately after planting. Use sturdy tomato cages 5 to 6 feet tall—space small bush tomato varieties twenty-four inches apart and larger ones 36 to 48 inches apart.
  4. Water tomato plants regularly, aiming for deep watering once weekly. Once they start flowering, feed them with high-potash fertilizer.
  5. Look for pests like spider mites and aphids and use neem oil spray to control them. Prune the plants to remove suckers and prevent fruit-rot.
  6. Gently harvest ripe tomatoes with pruners. Enjoy them fresh or preserve them for later use.

Remember, each variety has unique characteristics, so explore diverse types and enjoy the flavorful fruits they bring to your garden!

Writer/Digital creator: Tom Myrick

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