Garden Candy: Delightful Little Gems

These sugar snaps seedlings with leaves like miniature sails, are caught in the gentle breeze, and begin their ascent up the trellis—a journey of life and growth:

We are absolutely loving the cooler weather here at the Veggie Bed. The sugar snap seedlings are doing great—they’re starting to climb up the trellis beautifully. We direct-sowed them several weeks ago, and they should be ready for picking around the end of May.

Garden Candy

Have you ever experienced the unique taste of sugar snap peas? They’re often referred to as ‘garden candy’ by passionate gardeners. These delightful vegetables offer a perfect blend of the crispness of snow peas and the sweetness of garden peas. Whether you enjoy them raw as a snack, in salads, or paired with your favorite dips, they’re a true culinary delight!

So, the next time you encounter these vibrant green gems, remember they’re not just any peas – they’re sugar snap peas. Give them a try and let us know what you think!

Writer/Digital creator: Tom Myrick


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