Tips for Protecting Tomato Plants During Heat Waves

Tomato plants during a heat wave in a hot garden with the sun bearing down

With the current heat wave hitting the East Coast, here at the Veggie-Bed, we suggest keeping the following information in mind:

Excessive heat can significantly impact tomato plants. When temperatures consistently rise above 90°F (32°C) during the day and above 75°F (24°C) at night, tomato plants experience severe stress.

Hot temperatures hinder pollination, causing flowers to fall off. As a result, you’ll have fewer fruits than your plant can produce. Tomato plants shift their energy toward survival rather than fruit production. Leaves may droop, dry out, or fall off, exposing ripening fruits to sunscald.

Choose heat-tolerant varieties that thrive in hotter climates. Early fruiting determinate varieties can also help you harvest before heat stress sets in.

Remove excess foliage to improve air circulation and reduce heat stress.

Water in the morning to prepare plants for the day’s heat. Water deeply and consistently to prevent drought stress.

Apply organic mulch around the base of plants to retain soil moisture and regulate temperature.

While tomatoes need sunlight, excessive heat can harm them. Find a balance by providing adequate sun without subjecting them to scorching conditions. If possible, shield plants from the intense afternoon sun. Use shade cloth or row covers during extreme heat to protect plants.

Remember, maintaining optimal conditions helps your tomato plants thrive even during hot spells!

Image: AI-Generated
Prompt/edited: Tom Myrick
Written by: Tom Myrick

Writer/Digital creator/Prompt designer: Tom Myrick


View on Facebook: The Veggie-Bed


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