A Summer Tale: Cucumbers in the Sun

The arrival of summer at the Veggie-Bed is marked by the sight of young cucumbers thriving in the warmth of the sun, promising refreshing culinary delights.

Nothing signals the arrival of summer at the Veggie-Bed quite like young cucumbers growing on the vine. As meteorological summer begins, the days lengthen, the sun shines brighter, and these crisp green fruits thrive under its warm embrace. Their delicate tendrils reach out, seeking support as they climb toward the sky. Soon, the garden will be adorned with their vibrant presence, promising refreshing salads, pickles, and cool cucumber water. So, let the season unfold, and celebrate the simple joy of summer’s bounty.

Photo by: Tom Myrick
Written by: Tom Myrick

Writer/Digital creator/Prompt designer: Tom Myrick

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